Friday, February 1, 2013


The other morning, the fog was so thick that I could barely see.  As I rounded the corner, something caught my eye...a bluebird perched on a dried up milk weed plant.  It's soldier blue and orange colors stood out against a thick blanket of gray.  "Oh, I love bluebirds!, " I thought.

I remember being a little girl and going on a trip to visit distant cousins in upstate New York.  The family lived on a beautiful horse farm way out in the country.  As my siblings and I played outside on a sunny day, a bluebird landed on a fence post.  My mother, an avid bird watcher, started to squeal with delight and quickly pointed the bird out to us.  "These birds are almost extinct," she explained.  "There are almost none of them left in the United States.  It's so exciting that we get to see one today!"

I never forgot that childhood experience so you can image my joy when a couple of years ago a flock of bluebirds took up residence in our backyard.  Their colors thrill me every time I see them.  I think, "hooray...the bluebirds of happiness have come to my yard."

Here in Connecticut, people have worked hard to foster an environment for these nearly extinct birds to thrive.  Bird lovers, scouts and school children have installed bird houses that are especially suited for the bluebird.  People have put food in their feeders to attract the beautiful birds.  It has worked and the bluebirds have come!

Three and a half years ago, the life that I knew and loved came to a screeching halt.  My kidneys suddenly failed and I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer all in the same week.  Everything I had known in my life was turned up-side-down.  I did not recognized my own life.  Everything that was familiar and comfortable and safe was gone.

You're probably saying, "what does that have to do with bluebirds?"  Well  I feel like my old life is now extinct.   But there have been many many people who have created an environment for me to thrive.  Children have drawn me pictures and written me notes.  People have tirelessly prayed.  Others have made meals and cheered on every bit of good health news.  Friends have invited me out to breakfast and lunch. Still others have faithfully called and sent me cards, letters, and postcards. Healthcare providers have patiently helped me through the challenges.   And then there's my husband, Jim!  He has cooked, cleaned and helped me set up my daily dialysis.  He has taken every phone call I have made to him whether good or bad.  He has prayed day and sometimes in the middle of the night.  He has gone to all the doctor's appointments.  He has scouted out places he thought I could walk to on vacation.  I am coming back because of all these people who have invested so much on my behalf.  Thank you, thank you!


  1. You are so loved, Steph <3 Thanks for sharing your heart and I look forward to 'reading your thoughts' :--) Paula Lavish

  2. Thanks Stephanie! This is awesome!! I look forward to reading more and to cheering you on as you continue to "come back"

  3. Oh dear friend! I am so thankful for all the great times we shared over the years. Please know you are prayed for & much loved! I look forward to reaading much more.

  4. Dear Stephanie, Wow! This is definitely your medium! I am so excited about how God is going to use you to encourage others and be able to express what God is doing in you. So many times when we have talked you have encouraged me and I have thought, "She should share this with others because I know it would really help a lot of people" and now you have this blog and you can do that! What a great comparison of the bluebird and your life. I love your blog and the picture on your blog. I feel like I'm sitting right there with you. YOU GO GIRL! :-)

  5. So glad to see you using your gifts this way! Looking forward to reading more!

    Excerpt from a poem called Colored Rainbows:

    When you aim to find a purpose
    then your life becomes worthwhile.
    You will dazzle those about you -
    when you show your own true style!

    Dream again of colored rainbows
    and of bluebirds flying high.
    You will overcome the obstacles
    once you decide to try!


  6. Thanks so much for sharing your blog with me. I trust God will use this to touch many lives. You are truly special and I will never forget all the great talks we had at 329 when I was there with Mother.
    Much love

  7. Thanks Janie. I loved that porch swing!
