Saturday, August 9, 2014


"So what are you going to name your new piano?,"said my first student to play on the new-to-me baby grand piano that had been delivered that morning.  That hadn't even occurred to me but my adult pupil told me many famous musicians often named their instruments and she thought it would be fun if I did the same.

At supper that night I told Jim and the girls what Christine said during her lesson.  My family embraced the idea and began to offer suggestions--silly ones, serious ones and thoughtful ones.  Then I said, "I think we should name her the female name that means, gift of God."

Jim went on a search for the Name Your Baby book.  He soon returned with book in hand.  Flipping through the dog-eared pages of the book, our eyes settled on a name in the D column that meant gift of God.  It was Dorothy.  "Oh Jim,  that's it!!"  With sweet tears rolling down my cheeks I explained to my young daughters that I had one piano teacher from when I was seven years old to when I graduated from high school and her name was Dorothy.  She was a gift from God to me.

And so it light wood Kranach and Bach baby grand piano was given the name Dorothy.

Recently there have been many "Dorothys" in my life.  There has been our neighbor who built the ramps so I could get into our house with a wheelchair.  There has been my friend who comes on Sundays when I can't go to church.  There have been the countless people who have regularly, unceasingly have prayed for Jim and I.  There have been kind church members and friends who have brought us delicious meals.  There have been sisters, brothers and daughters who have called us to check in and encourage us. There have been aunts and dear friends who went shopping for clothes. There have been many loved ones who have come to visit.  There has been a friend who has volunteered to go to the month of training with Jim and I to learn my new dialysis method.  And then my greatest "Dorothy" has been my husband who has cared for my every want, wish and need.

In God's Word it says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above" and "In everything give thanks." So for all my "Dorothy's" I give thanks.

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