Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sun Light

This morning I wheeled myself into the kitchen to cook a "hearty" breakfast to carry us through our busy day.

"It's so beautiful today.  I wonder if it's cold," I said to Jim as he was on his way out for his morning walk wearing his hooded sweatshirt and his ever-so-attractive green fluorescent safety vest.

"I think it's chilly.  I'll be back in a bit," he said as he gave me a quick kiss and went out the door.

I rolled my wheelchair over to the stove and tugged at the bottom pot drawer until I got it open.  I pulled out a non-stick frying pan to cook bacon and eggs.  By now the sun had risen high in the blue sky and there were rays of light streaming through our multi-paned windows into the kitchen.
As I fried the strips of bacon, the house began to fill with a wonderful aroma and a foggy bacon "haze" caught in the sun rays.

I rolled back and forth across our wide-planked floors setting the table, getting eggs, toasting bagels and pouring cranberry and orange juice.  And as I did, the bright light of the the sun caught my eyes and suddenly our supposedly clean Shaker cabinets and floors showed every imperfection and every speck of dirt.  "Wow,  everything needs a good scrubbing," I thought.

In the past six years, I have rolled back and forth through my life feeling that in spite of all my physical challenges I have lived a pretty clean life.  It is only when the light of God shines in me that the subtle negative heart attitudes, impatient thoughts, and occasional sulking are exposed.  God my Father is not trying to point out my failures to show me up.  Rather He is shining His light in the dark places so that loving cleansing and forgiveness can take place--a good scrubbing.

The New Testament book of 1 John says:  "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Step into the Son light.

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