Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Borrowed Faith

When I was checked into a rehab hospital more than eight weeks ago with torn ligaments in my heels, I never dreamed that I would have three surgeries, six or eight IV atttempts, swallow hundred of pills, spend dozens of hours in the physical therapy gym and cry every night with anxiety as soon as I was alone and the lights were turned off

Each night Jim prayed for me before he left for the evening.  Each night he prayed that I would feel God's peace.  Each night after he went home, the messages of never being well again and  never making it back home would creep in.  I would begin to shake and angst.  And though I prayed and read scripture, I could not sense God's presence.

In the darkness of my room I would text friends (I even called some in the middle of the night) and ask them to go to God for me.  I counted on their faith--I borrowed their faith.  When I couldn't feel God near me, I trusted my friends were experiencing the verse that says,
     "Seek the Lord while he may be found;  call on him while he is near."

Thank you to those who loaned me their faith. I made it through those tough days and nights because of you.

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