Monday, April 28, 2014

The Fragrance

"Jim, I can't get up.  We are going to have to call for help."

I had taken a bad fall in the middle of the night and quickly realized that I injured both feet and could not bare weight on either foot.

Next thing I know, I heard  Jim say, "please send an ambulance.  No lights and no sirens, please."

Thirty minutes later I was in the emergency room getting x-rays and a CAT scan.  For hours we waited for answers and advice as to what our next step should be.  Ultimately I was put in another ambulance and driven to a rehab center where I have been for a week now with no end in sight.

As word got out about my accident, texts, phone calls and visitors began to arrive.  My window sill filled up with sweet smelling Spring flowers of every color--yellow tulips, white lilies, blue irises, hot pink Gerber daisies, orange star flowers, pink roses and purple mums.

As each visitors has come in my room, they have walked to my bedside, bent low and hugged me.  I have had the wonderful experience of being left with the scent of perfumes and aftershaves from my friends. Long after our visits are over, I still can smell the fragrance of my loved ones.  It has brought me comfort and a sense of connection--an intimacy that can only come from close physical proximity.

In the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians,  those who follow God are said to have the sweet aroma of Christ.  Close connection with the Heavenly Father allows us to carry His sweet scent.  It is distinct and recognizable just as the wonderful fragrance of a periwinkle hyacinth flower is instantly identifiable.

May I walk hand and hand with God so that His aroma of kindness, graciousness, compassion, generosity and love rub off onto me.

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