Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Selfie

"Ready to go?  We have to get down to New York in plenty of time to get through the security lines at the airport."  We were on our way to Ecuador to help Jim's brother and sisier-in-law pack to leave Ecuador after forty years of their ministry.

I was very excited about seeing Mike and Carol.  I was anxious to eat good food with the family and shop in the colorful markets (especially in Octavalo).

In spite of all my hopes, I had to admit that I did not feel well.  I thought it was exhaustion from the long flight or possibly altitude sickness (Quito is at 10,000 feet).  All I could think about was sleeping.

After two weeks of sight seeing and going down to the coast, it was time to say "good-bye."  We headed back to the USA.  We had hours and hours to kill in the Miami airport.  Our out-going gate was changed seven times (welcome home).  I was so weak I could not move without Jim's help.  It was the first inkling that something was seriously wrong.

After weeks of twenty hours a day sleeping, I was diagnosed with end-stage kidney failure.  I spent three weeks in the hospital.  During that time I was also shown to have thyroid cancer.

This month it has been six years since this physical journey began.  I lost the use of my legs due to Cushings Syndrome.  The Syndrome also caused my legs to be so brittle that I broke both my ankles and one shin thus spending three months in rehab centers.  I had to have a breast lumpectomy. I struggle with constant neuropathy.  Most recently I have been bleeding internally and losing my hemoglobin.

Because of all these physical complications, I've had to give up my children's ministries at church (being Miss Stephanie).   I had to relinquish my piano teaching and jewelry making.  I  couldn't cook and bake.  I had to stop walking and driving.

Hours and hours I have spent wondering, "who am I without being able to do these things. Do I have a purpose;  do I matter even though my body is an empty shell?"

Do you know who you would be if you could not "do" anything?  If your life was stripped of it's activity, would you have value?  How do you define yourself?

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