Friday, March 21, 2014

The President

Jim and I were sitting at our kitchen table talking about the vast contrasts in the character of God--all power versus tender love.

"It reminds me of the famous picture of President Kennedy," I suggested.  Jim knew what I was referring to and he agreed.

I'm sure most of us are familiar with the iconic photograph of President J. F. Kennedy working at his ornately carved desk in the Oval Office while his toddler son, John John, played under the desk. But probably less known to many of us is the wonderful black and white image of the President setting aside his work to clap for his children as they danced about in his office.

Think of it. The then most powerful leader in the free world stopped what he was doing to be a playful father with his children. He did not give up his authority as a world leader, he just moved into his role as proud daddy.  His focus in that moment was all about his pride and joy--Caroline and John John.
These historic (for some of us modern history and for others "ancient" history) photos beautifully illustrate the Old Testament writing in the book of Zephaniah:
"The Lord your God is with you, 
he is mighty to save.  
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love, 
he will rejoice over you with singing."

The ruler of the universe who possesses all power and authority chooses to dote on you and me and when we are worn out from the "stuff" of life, He quiets us down and sings to us--a lullaby.  Can you think of a more tender picture?  You and I are the joy and delight of the mighty God!


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