Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Benediction

Remember when your kids were little and they wanted to go outside to play in the snow?  You would gather up all their "gear" to help them dress warm and be protected.  In my case it was usually pink (I have girls) snow suits that swished when the girls walked, fur-lined boots, hats, mittens and scarves that coordinated with their colorful outerwear.  After all the pushing and pulling and giggling and tugging, the little ones were all tucked in with only their beautiful faces and a few curls showing.  They were ready for the outside world!

I would give them a loving pat on their bottoms and say "off you go."  My two little pink robots would waddle off to the back yard to sled or build a snowman or make snow angels.  Often Dad went with them and their laughter would bring me delight and pleasure as I watched them from the kitchen window.

In our Sunday morning worship service, the benediction is one of my favorite parts of the morning (no, not because it means church is almost over).  I love the words that are spoken as a parting blessing to all of us, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”  The words come from the book of Numbers, chapter six where God instructs Moses and his brother Aaron to bless the people of Israel.

God gives me the "gear" I need to brave the details of my life.  He shines warmth on me.  And with the words of blessing and protection and the promise of God's presence which gives me the grace to face my circumstances, I leave the sanctuary in peace.  "Off I go!"

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