Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Lighthouse

IFor forty-five summers I have traveled to Maine with one generation or another to visit "our" lighthouse.  The tall white stone structure sits atop large ribbons of granite rocks.  The lighthouse overlooks beautiful ocean waves crashing up against the rocks.

As a child I ran all over those rocks with youthful agility.  I knew where every nook and cranny was to play Hide and Seek with my siblings.  I splashed in the giant tidal pool which trapped sea creatures with each high tide change. I sat on the "couch" rock and climbed in the "fort" rock.  I hunted for sea glass in amongst all the round stones in the inlet below the lighthouse.  I giggled as I fed the sea gulls left over sandwich bread.

I spent endless delightful hours in the shadow of the lighthouse soaking up sea air and sunshine.  I knew the rocks like they were my backyard.  I was comfortable and secure as I played and those were some of my favorite childhood days.

As days turned into nights, the experience changed.  The mosquitoes (affectionately called "the Maine state bird") arrived.  The sound of the waves beating up against the rocks became prominate.  Hooded sweatshirts warmed against the chilly sea breezes.  I could no longer run freely on the rocks because my vision was now limited.  And then the lighthouse light came on--every six seconds a blip of light and then it shut off.

As a child and to this day I do not have the very best balance so I felt too unsure to take a step on the uneven terrain around the lighthouse when there was no light shining.  I do the "dot to dot" version of walking at night at the lighthouse--when the light is on I step, when the light is off I stay.  Step and stay is not the quickest mode of walking but it is the safest.

The nighttime lighthouse is a wonderful illustration of the verse in Psalm 119:105.  "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."
When I need illumination and guidance, I go to God's Word.  I pray for understanding.  When I get it, I move ahead.  When I don't, I stay still until God shows me what's next.  In the darkness I look to the lighthouse--each flash of light filled with God's love, mercy, wisdom and guidance.

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